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New Moon Monthly Forecasts

New Moon Monthly Forecasts

Every New Moon holds an opportunity for growth. Going in to the month it's good to know what you will potentially be up against.


This work is Predictive Astrology. It provides a guide for the month ahead; not telling you exactly what will happen - but giving you real examples where you will be impacted so you can plan accordingly.


In predictive astrology we can read transits against your natal chart and tell you what areas of life, what types of potential problems, and where you should be on the lookout for disruptions. That's why we provide this offering to our clients.


We need a least a week ahead of the new moon to prepare the report and be able to enter you in our schedule for a consult. We recommend 3, 6, 9 and 12 month subscriptions because you can get more for a substantial discount.

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