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Natal Aspect Patterns Chart, Reading & Counsel

Natal Aspect Patterns Chart, Reading & Counsel

Everyone at some point in their life has noticed a patten of behavior in themselves or others, or more likely, both.


It's that little voice in your head that says, "Why do I keep doing that?" or on a better note, "I am so good at this!" Funny thing is when you notice the patterns of others and want to offer some helpful advice. We've all been on the receiving end of this so it can feel very good, or very bad! 


Either way, we, and others, are just trying to help but here's the thing - we may be able to see a pattern of behavior, but we do not know the root - and that's where having your set of astrological chart patterns that are deciphered by Destinology and given to you so that you may actually see why they are articulating in your life.


This chart is a must if you want to learn your life patterns. You will learn how to recognize them, maximize ther effectivity (if they are beneficial), or rise above them if they are creating disruptive behaviors.


Included are your Aspect Pattern chart (or charts depending on your placements) and a sixty (60) minute counseling session to better understand them.

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