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What to Expect During The 25♓︎41 Pisces Supermoon


The upcoming Supermoon Full Moon Eclipse is making some beautiful sacred geometry in the sky. We'll talk first about the aspect patterns, then dive into the Super Full Moon and what it all means.

The first notable is the ’Kite’ aspect pattern. The pattern is formed by the Sun in Virgo / Moon in Pisces in 180° opposition, and a ’Grand Trine’ and ’Miner Grand Trine’ are formed by Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. This is an advantageous aspect.

The second is the 'T-Square' formed by Sun/Moon and Jupiter in Gemini. This will push boundaries so expect some kickback.


Placements in Pisces, Virgo, Gemini & Sagittarius are all going to be affected during this Pisces Eclipse, potentially setting up a succession of releases that are necessary for your conscious evolution. Lean into them during the eclipse, and posture yourself for some potent powerful emotional and energetic cleansing in these four signs, their planetary placements, specifically in the houses they reside. Remember to also check their dispositors for more clarity.


A Supermoon Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces is seen as an especially potent astrological event, blending the mystical and emotional energy of Pisces with the intensified effects of a Supermoon and the transformative power of an eclipse. Here’s how it can affect people:

Heightened Emotions and Sensitivity

Since a Supermoon appears larger and brighter in the sky, its astrological influence is stronger, amplifying emotions and intuition. Pisces, being a highly sensitive and empathetic sign, further intensifies this emotional depth. People may feel unusually connected to their inner world, emotions, and spiritual energies.

Full Moons symbolize culmination, and in Pisces, this culmination is likely to be deeply emotional, spiritual, and intuitive. You may find yourself reflecting on your dreams, unconscious patterns, or deeper emotional truths.

Eclipses are times of change, and a lunar eclipse in Pisces may bring sudden realizations or endings, particularly around issues of emotional healing, spirituality, and compassion. This energy calls for releasing old wounds and embracing forgiveness.

Spiritual Growth and Transformation

As the last sign of the zodiac, is associated with endings, transitions, and spiritual evolution. The Full Moon Eclipse invites profound spiritual transformation, urging you to connect with your higher self, intuition, or even higher states of consciousness. It’s a time to let go of illusions, outdated beliefs, or self-destructive patterns, particularly those tied to fear, escapism, or emotional baggage. With Pisces' influence, it may feel like you're dissolving barriers that have kept you from accessing your full spiritual potential.

Release of Emotional Baggage

Supermoon lunar eclipses often prompt emotional release, and in Pisces, this release is likely to focus on deep-seated emotions or subconscious patterns. Pisces rules the unconscious mind, so this could be a time when buried emotions surface, offering a chance to confront and heal them.

There’s a strong focus on surrender and acceptance. You might feel a need to let go of unrealistic expectations, past regrets, or situations you’ve been holding onto out of fear or denial.

Heightened Intuition and Psychic Awareness

Pisces is known for its mystical, intuitive nature. During a Supermoon Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, psychic insights, dreams, and synchronicities are heightened. You may experience vivid dreams or intuitive downloads, and your ability to connect with the spiritual realm can be stronger than usual.

This is an ideal time for meditation, journaling, or other practices that help you access your inner wisdom. Pay close attention to your dreams, as they may carry important messages.

Compassion, Empathy, and Healing

Pisces is the sign of compassion, empathy, and healing, so this eclipse may push people to connect with others on a deep emotional level. You might feel called to help those in need or engage in acts of service and kindness.

Healing, both emotional and spiritual, will be a major theme. It’s a time to forgive, release resentment, and open your heart to healing energy, both for yourself and others.

Challenges with Boundaries and Escapism

Pisces is also associated with a lack of boundaries and tendencies toward escapism. Under this Supermoon Eclipse, you may feel overwhelmed by emotions or the emotions of others, and there’s a risk of trying to avoid or escape reality through unhealthy means (e.g., overindulgence, addiction, denial).

This event urges you to face emotions or situations head-on rather than avoiding them. Establishing healthy emotional and energetic boundaries will be key to navigating this period.

Impact on Specific Zodiac Signs

If your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign is in Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius, you’re likely to feel the effects of this eclipse more intensely. Pisces and Virgo are especially impacted since this eclipse happens on their axis. It may bring up issues related to balance between spirituality (Pisces) and practical matters (Virgo).

The eclipse can also influence the houses that Jupiter rules in your natal chart, bringing transformation to specific areas of your life, such as spirituality, travel, creativity and/or personal growth.

Collective Shifts in Compassion and Unity

On a global scale, this Supermoon Eclipse in Pisces may trigger collective shifts toward compassion, healing, and unity. Pisces' influence can bring attention to humanitarian causes, healing crises, or collective emotional experiences. It could be a time when people feel more connected to each other through shared emotions or spiritual purpose.


A Supermoon Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces is a time of deep emotional and spiritual transformation. With the heightened sensitivity of Pisces combined with the powerful energy of the Supermoon and eclipse, this period encourages emotional release, spiritual growth, and healing. It’s a time to let go of emotional baggage, embrace compassion, and tap into your intuition. While the energy can feel overwhelming at times, it offers a powerful opportunity for both personal and collective evolution.


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