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Time Rectification for Natives of C-Section Births

This is a serious question for astrologers to consider for those born of c-sections. There are many considerations, both physically and metaphysically for rectification. Here are the main points to consider:

How do I find my exact time of birth? It is said in Astrology that the ASC is determined when we transition from darkness to light. So in theory, as soon as the womb was opened and light was witnessed for the first time by the native, then that is the exact time of birth.

How does the medical staff decide the time of birth? It’s conditional. Since doctors are not astrologists, it is most likely that the recorded time of birth is some time much later than when they make the first incision to the stomach, and then further into the womb. Depending how long surgery takes, the time of birth could be much later than when the native first saw the light. Every birth team is unique at every birth, and since most parents are not going in paying attention to the clock, the recorded time of birth is based on what the medical team decides.

Were the medical stuff dutiful or negligent recording my time of birth? This is a consideration for everyone, and not unique to c-section births.

Was the c-section planned? If it was planned, one might argue that the native came into the world not at the date and time he/she/they wanted. This pushes the boundaries of metaphysics. If metaphysically we choose when to arrive, then in the womb we are waiting for that exact moment for the ASC to be right for us in this lifetime. Being that the c-section was planned, the time and quite possibly the date that the native had planned is potentially completely different. Of course, you’d have to believe that you are actually the one in control coming from another plane of existence into this one for this to be true.

Was the c-section due to an emergency? Then your birth was imminent, so this now is not a consideration and it should be treated as a natural birth; with consideration to the opening of the womb we mentioned in the first paragraph.

Metaphysical v. Physical Reality Is it true that all natives with planned c-sections should always get a rectification? If you believe it metaphysics, and also that you are the one that decides the date and time, then maybe. You could go ahead and use Electional Astrology and pick your own Date and Time. But without knowing all the the subtle nuances of this sort of astrology practice you may spend most of your life searching.

In the physical reality, it is very likely that the day and time you were born is very close to the truth about you. But when it come to the ASC and your Moon placement, both dependent on time of birth, it can make or break you when you are diving into learning about yourself through astrology. The best advice then is to work with a practicing astrologist who is familiar with rectification. Without a professional doing a full on analysis with you, you may never get to know your true Ascendant.



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