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The Cradle Aspect Pattern

Because of the Mars/Uranus conjunction in July of 2024, we have the opportunity to see a real chart aspect pattern at work. Here is the world view of the pattern at the exact conjunction of Mars and Uranus at 26Tau19 on July 15, 1:31PM UTC. You can see the dates in your time zone in the chart at the bottom of this post.

Bruno Huber, the Father of Aspect Pattern Astrology, tells us the cradle is benefic and protective in nature. There is more to know about the pattern, and we will explain in more detail in this post, along with direct citations from Huber's Book, "Aspect Pattern Astrology".

The cradle aspect pattern is made up of two trines, two sextiles, and one opposition. It can be further be delimitated into two Talent Triangles and two Easy Opposition Triangles. We will explain these in greater detail in another post.

Whatever is contained within the cradle is where the native feels safe. All the planets, signs and houses within the cradle are the natives innate gifts, skills and talents. Everything outside the cradle is rife with contention; it’s foreign, unexplored, and unknown territory. And even though the native will cling to their zone of protection, their purpose is to leave the cradle to explore, grow, mature and evolve their consciousness.

The Cradle Aspect Pattern is one that resolves conflicts. The “glass wall” of the opposition not only provides the boundary of protection for the native, it also gives the native the ability to mirror the expressions of the people, signs and planets coming at them from outside the aspect. And, if the native is so willing, the opposition wall can act like a magnifying glass to funnel the feelings, needs and pain of these people or energies to help them through their burdens, and somehow with grace they do not get afflicted by them. If however the native does begin to feel overwhelmed, he/she/they are able to cut themself off completely and retreat back into the cradle and effectively disappear.

Because this native functions in life mostly from within the Cradle, they experience almost nirvanic harmony with their environment thanks to the three sextiles and the two trines. Pain only comes from outside the pattern. But by embracing withdrawal as a means of self-purification, this enables their harmonious nature to shine more brightly and intensely.

I just experienced this exact nuance myself. On Reddit, I began to help someone with their chart, based on the post that they would donate a little cash for the effort. I donate a lot of help for free, but who doesn’t like a little extra dough? So very quickly, the burdens that this person was going through were very intense. They specifically wanted to know about a partnership and why it wasn’t going well. I confirmed that what they were experiencing was in their partner’s chart. But then more and more questions were coming at me through the chat and I very suddenly realized that I was already at my limit for the amount of help I could give anyone. I sent her a kind message saying that we completed her request and that any additional readings would be the start of a new session, and she could use a link I provided to make the donation she ‘promised’. I sensed my need for retreat and found my exit point. This is the power of the Cradle.

Huber also points out that others can see the afflicted red side and, as a result, treat it with consideration. The two planets in opposition are influenced only by the trines. The trines possess great receptiveness, devotion, enjoyment, and flair; they exhibit strong control over the personality by thoroughly processing and integrating experiences, making failure almost impossible.

Then we can see the two talent triangles that form a semi-circular dish at the bottom of the cradle. If properly aligned by sign, they oscillates between their polarities. However, there are two possible middle paths or ways out of this conflict, one of the trine, and one of the sextile. Thus, there is a dual talent that can transform life's conflicts, giving new meaning and opportunities. This aspect pattern for an individual is invulnerable because there is always an escape route open into their own personal creativity, where conflicts no longer exist.

I am going to include the exact text from Huber when it comes to further interpretation of the Cradle, because as he says, “(it) depends greatly on the area of the horoscope where it is situated”.

Cited from Huber's book:

Cradle in the Collective Space

The classic Cradle feels most secure in the bottom half of the horoscope, where the fixed quadrangular quality is expressed most strongly. It feels less comfortable in other spaces because it tends to feel that it is falling out of the security of the cradle and being thrown out unprotected into the world.

In the case of the Cradle, many talents are gathered in one half of the horoscope. In this lower space we find the practical person for whom

everything is effortless and easy, who is happy with this and creates a harmonious environment for himself (as in the case of the Kite). The person takes life as it comes, works contentedly and needs no theoretical background knowledge. What lies above the barrier makes him anxious and threatens his harmony. He protects himself from this space, attacking anyone who represents it either openly or covertly. What he denies from the outset must not be looked at.

Cradle in the You-Space

If the Cradle lies in the You-space, the person is afraid of being alone, and makes every effort to maintain existing partnerships; which can

sometimes lead to a loss of identity. He wants to feel cared for and seeks a partner who is stronger than him who will give him stability. Many need motivation and validation from outside, from the You. In such a case, the partner or the task to be mastered can bring the talent triangle to life. But in the case of conflict, most react badly; i.e. ambivalently. There are actually two ambivalence triangles in this figure. They either allow themselves be wrapped up in cotton wool again and play the conforming child, or they refuse to continue the relationship. Due to the blue-red aspects, they can be forced into an either-or attitude, where they have to go back on possible decisions again.

Cradle in the Individual Space

If the cradle lies at the top, it looks more like a parachute. It is not grounded and there are no roots. These people are often ambitious. strive for unattainable goals and are constantly experiencing defeats and the thwarting of their plans. In reality they are too security- and stability-minded to really come to terms with the individual space, for the top of the horoscope demands moral courage, independence, acceptance of responsibility and self awareness. A Cradle finds it very hard to display these qualities all the time; it prefers to be left in peace.

In the Cradle there is also a highly developed aptitude that is called on to overcome a fear of certain tasks. In the upper area there is often a certain value system that people with a Cradle cling onto. Whether it is valid or not is not as important if it can resist attacks and provide security. Prom a positive point of view, a Cradle can also be productive; after all it does contain two talent triangles. Evident creativity can bring greater confidence with which to confront the empty hemisphere. Producing something that can be presented to others increases the

feeling of self-worth and inner security. In the case of the Cradle too, drastic crises are needed to be prepared for the confrontation of

anxieties and the implementation of one's own abilities.

Cradle in the I-Space

A cradle on the I side of the horoscope is a sign of introversion. Such a person is very self-sufficient and closed and avoids deep encounters with others. He protects himself from the outside, is preoccupied with himself and only lets invited guests inside. The inner space, the intimate sphere is kept shut and only opened to those who know the password, as it were. Such a person finds it very unpleasant if someone enters without being invited and if he is talked about or judged. He wants to live undisturbed in the protection of his inner space and only open up when he is sure that those who are knocking to come in are true friends. If a stranger intrudes, the opposition immediately becomes an impenetrable barrier; he would rather remain alone and is happy in his own world. This can often lead to real problems in relating to others.

In the case of aspects of Age Points located in this figure, the feelings of security are frequently shaken, thus making the consciousness aware of a change in internal or external conditions. The person should not stay in his "cradle", instead one day he should be "thrown out of the ‘nest’ in order to participate in the growth process of life.

In conclusion, this is a potent transit for sure. With Uranus and Mars at play together, there are bound to be some serious surprises, Hopefully, we can all stay safe knowing that there is a refuge of protection we can be in for safety.


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