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July 2024 Full Moon at 29 ♑︎ 09

The Full Moon is a highly potent and transformative phase that amplifies emotions, heightens intuition, and creates profound insights bringing them all to light.

It represents the culmination of the two weeks prior from the New Moon when intentions are set.

The full moon marks the moment when we should start releasing what no longer serves us for our highest good. It is important, even vital to embrace self-care practices during this phase to maintain emotional balance. In that, we need to break free from our busy schedules during the there days of the full moon, in dedication to ourself spending time in purposeful reflection. Just as the moon is in full reflection of the suns rays, we too are experiencing that same full glow in the reflection of the sun in ourselves.

Each zodiac sign experiences the Full Moon’s impact differently, based on their inherent traits.

Aries ♈: Boosts energy and confidence; great for taking action.

Taurus ♉: Enhances focus on security and indulgence in pleasures.

Gemini ♊: Increases social interactions and communication.

Cancer ♋: Heightens emotions and intuition; focus on home and family.

Leo ♌: Amplifies creativity and desire for recognition.

Virgo ♍: Brings attention to detail and practical matters.

Libra ♎: Emphasizes balance and harmony in relationships.

Scorpio ♏: Intensifies emotions and transformative insights.

Sagittarius ♐: Inspires adventure and expansion of horizons.

Capricorn ♑: Heightens ambition and focus on career goals.

Aquarius ♒: Boosts social activism and connection with others.

Pisces ♓: Enhances intuition and creativity; focus on spirituality.

For fun, I created a Meme for the full moon based on each zodiac sign:

Hope all your New Moon Dreams come true!


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