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Finding Your Astrology Dispositors

Who are you and what secrets do you have yet to discover about yourself? Learn more about you through Destinology here: About You

Finding out one of the primary Dispositors in my own chart is Mars was indeed a breakthrough moment for me. Since it's Mars Retrograde it got me thinking how sharing this knowledge about knowing ones own dispositors is really valuable knowledge and one that can be found pretty easily once you know how to calculate them.

If you haven’t heard the term or maybe it’s new let me share with you the technique and a little theory behind them.

A Dispositor is a planet (or planets) of major influence in your natal chart. They act like a reservoir, collecting energy from all the planets that flow to them. The end result is that each planet sends its energy to the Dispositor, which then, like a computer processor, assesses and integrates and makes the final decision to how we operate. Our decisions and actions all rely on our Dispositors. As you can imagine, much of the decision making is linked to the Dispositor itself with its own energetic signature, sign and house being dominant.

Let’s look at an example.

The Ascendant, Sun and Moon are a great place to start, but all our planets should run through the process to see the patterns and total picture of ourselves and how we operate. Every planet, the Sun, Moon, asteroids etc follow these rules.

Planet in Aries is ruled by Mars

Planet in Taurus is ruled by Venus

Planet in Gemini is ruled by Mercury

Planet in Cancer is ruled by the Moon

Planet in Leo is ruled by the Sun

Planet in Virgo is ruled by Mercury

Planet in Libra is ruled by Venus

Planet in Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditional) / Pluto (contemporary)

Planet in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter

Planet in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn

Sign in Aquarius is ruled by Saturn (traditional) / Uranus (contemporary)

Planet in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (traditional) / Neptune (contemporary)

I personally do two Dispositors lists, one in both traditional and contemporary. They cannot be intermixed and each has a purposeful meaning. Let’s stay simple though at first and just look at traditional rulers. Take a look at this chart as an example and then do your own.

This chart is only showing trine aspects. It’s how I like to start deciphering. It’s simple, clean and full of positive energy. Now let’s find the Dispositors. Let’s start with the Ascendant.

  • Ascendant is in Gemini ruled by Mercury

  • Mercury is in Aries Ruled by Mars

  • Mars is in Cancer ruled by the Moon

  • Moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn

As you can see, Saturn is the Dispositor. Let’s roll through another example:

  • Sun is is Aries ruled by Mars

  • Mars is in Cancer ruled by the Moon

  • Moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn

Again, Saturn is the Dispositor. Let’s look at thr Moon:

  • Moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn

It’s becoming very clear this person is heavily influenced by Saturn. If we look to all his traditional planets we will continue to find the patterns. Now here are the rest:


  • Venus is in Pisces ruled by Jupiter

  • Jupiter is in Virgo ruled by Mercury

  • Mercury is in Aries Ruled by Mars

  • Mars is in Cancer ruled by the Moon

  • Moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn


  • Mars is in Cancer ruled by the Moon

  • Moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn


  • Jupiter is in Virgo ruled by Mercury

  • Mercury is in Aries Ruled by Mars

  • Mars is in Cancer ruled by the Moon

  • Moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn


  • Saturn is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn

His Saturn placement brings up a very important aspect of Dispositors. Any planet that is in its native sign is considered a Final Despositor. No matter what, a Final Despositor has the most influence - even if there are other unconnected Despositors to consider.

There are many ways to determine dominance and influence reading charts. Knowing Despositors will help take your chart reading to the next level.

Feel free to get in touch for a personal reading of your own. Thanks for reading and have fun on your Astrology journey!

Thanks for reading.


See you in the Stars,


Who are you and what secrets do you have yet to discover about yourself? Learn more about you through Destinology here: About You



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