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Aligning With Jupiter - The Greatest Gift Of All

In old school astrology, all the planets visible to the naked eye were assigned a day of the week; and Thursday is the day of Jupiter. I want to honor Jupiter today, because it’s his day!

Jupiter is a benefic planet that bestows its influence to very specific parts of our lives as indicated in our natal charts. Tuning in to its frequency is a great way to bring more abundance into our lives. Having a reading about how Jupiter influences your chart can set you on the long journey of being in harmony with the greatest of benefactors.

Let’s talk for a minute about what Jupiter rules over…

Happiness! Every time you tune in to any kind of comedy, you’re tuned in to Jupiter. Being “cheerful”, “jovial”, “convivial”, "good-humored” and “merry" are distinct qualities of those born under the rising sign of the planet Jupiter, so also have these gifts heightened in their disposition.

Abundance. When you know where Jupiter is on your chart, and what aspects it by planet and sign, you will have direction to follow the path of abundance in your own life.

Expansion and Growth: Jupiter is often called the "Great Benefic" because it is associated with expansion, optimism, and growth. It encourages individuals to seek out opportunities and to strive for excellence in various aspects of life.

Wisdom and Knowledge. Jupiter rules over the higher and abstract mind. Jupiter kicks in later in life, after adolescence, when we begin to pursue higher learning. In this way, Jupiter rules over all the doors to your conscious evolution.

Foreign Affairs. I think this is one of the more interesting aspects of Jupiter. It rules over travel to foreign lands. Analogously, this also means that the expansion of our consciousness is movement into foreign realms of being. Pretty rad!

Spirituality. Hope, Faith, Blessings (gratitude), Religion, Churches, Devotion, Ceremonies and Celebrations of all kinds are ruled over by Jupiter. Spirituality is the longest journey of our lives, and his placement in our charts shows where we are most devoted.

Institutions. Institutions of thought and place. From monasteries, churches and colleges to prisons, hospitals and asylums, Jupiter rules them all. It is Jupiter that connects Pisces and the 12th house to institutions.

Optimism and Enthusiasm! Along with Mars, Jupiter lends his benefic power to make optimism and enthusiasm more than just a rush to do something. Jupiter provides the optimism needed to embark on the endeavor in the first place. This can inspire individuals to aim high and pursue excellence, believing in their potential to achieve great things.


The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek enthousiasmos, which is a combination of enthous ("inspired") and theos ("god"). In the early 18th century enthusiasm began to take on the extended meaning which it primarily has today, referring to feelings of strong excitement or fervor on behalf of something.

Integrity. When we are talking about maybe the most sought after value of integrity, we are talking about Jupiter. Jupiter rules over all forms of right-ness and righteousness, including facts, law, lawyers, counselors, judges, justice, the judicial system, legal matters, credentials, licenses, copyrights and honest journalism. You want to get right? Tap into your Jupiter power.

Values. Everything valuable. This extends to what an individual finds valuable, their actual moral values, and the valuables they possess. Jupiter also rules over commerce. Banks, casinos, charities, generosity, cashiers, gains, income, accumulation (capitalism), bounties, bonuses, benefits, benevolence, beneficiaries, etc.

Excellence. In astrology, Jupiter is considered the planet that rules over excellence due to its association with growth, expansion, and abundance.


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Is a quote from Will Durant in his book from 1926 entitled “The Story of Philosophy”. He makes this assertion to describe some of the teachings that Aristotle writes in a more complicated way.

Fun Fact:

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure movie was based on going back in time to learn some of the more influential passages in history that helped shape our present experience. And if they both could learn these things and then pass their exam, they would be able to create a utopian society, a state of utter perfection and happiness.

Luck and Good Fortune: Jupiter is also associated with good luck and fortune. It is believed to bring positive energy and opportunities, making it easier for individuals to achieve their goals and excel in their endeavors.

Body Parts. In astrology, each planet is believed to have rulership over certain parts of the body. Jupiter, in particular, is associated with the following body parts:

  1. Liver: Jupiter is closely connected to the liver, which plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body and managing metabolic processes.

  2. Hips and Thighs: Jupiter governs the hips and thighs, symbolizing the support and movement necessary for expansion and exploration.

  3. Pituitary Gland: As the gland responsible for growth and hormone regulation, the pituitary gland falls under Jupiter’s domain, reflecting the planet's association with growth and development.

  4. Circulatory System: Jupiter also has an influence on the circulatory system, particularly in terms of blood flow and overall circulation within the body.

Knowing all of this is ruled by Jupiter, doesn’t that make you want to know more about your Jupitarian nature as expressed through your own personal charts?

We are happy to have this as an offering in your pursuit of self-mastery. We will provide:

  • The location of Jupiter in your chart, by sign, house and degree.

  • The big picture of how Jupiter functions in your natal chart.

  • Details of all aspects and influences that interact with Jupiter in your natal chart , from subtle to more influential.

  • Strategies to work along with Jupiter and its aspects and influences, from benefic to challenging.


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