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Aquarius Prophet

Get to Know Us

Hi! My Name is Aquarius

That’s my name and yes, I am an Aquarius!

You can read a little more about me below, but let me thank you for visiting my site and welcome you with open arms because you are truly in the right place on your journey. 

Get to Know Me Better

Since 1985, I’ve been studying the Metaphysical Arts. All these years of experience have taught me that even though we know a lot about our birth codes, there are so many secrets hidden deeper than what mainstream social media Astrologers are able to provide. I am more than just a practitioner of Astrology, I consider myself to be a lifelong wisdom seeker, in search of the deepest wisdom in all forms of the metaphysical. And I continue to learn more about my own soul-purpose the more I travel around the sun.


I’ve been called and chosen to help bring higher awareness to our birth codes, and to correct and add to the spiritual wisdom we can all have now, with my unique practice of DESTINOLOGY.


DESTINOLOGY is a potent blend of the Metaphysical Arts; The core is Traditional Western Astrology and is enhanced by Vedic, Mayan, Chinese and even Hawaiian astrological wisdom. Human Design is also of paramount importance in the work we do along with Numerology, Gematria and traditional and astrological Tarot. 


Life is more than just a random set of events, and the services I offer here on DESTINOLOGY are here to assist you on your journey. From long term influences to day-to-day transits through our universe, together we will unlock and decode the mysterious and intricate nuances of your most important birth codes.


I'm literally on the edge of my seat waiting to get to know you better, If you are reading this, I'd say it's Divine Intervention. I’m here for you ~ and I can’t wait to share with you the hidden gifts you have during the blessed time we both have to live it as divine light beings.

“This reading is a help for me and resonates with my life and my current journey, and is giving me such clarity to be more confident about my future. ”
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